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Contact BTM Motorwerks

At BTM Motorwerks, our sports car performance parts shop has experience repairing and driving the highest-rated European cars. We have won four championships racing Porsches and BMWs, so we know exactly how to tune your vehicle for optimum performance, regardless of your goals. If you are looking for the perfect European auto repair shop to maintain, tune, and repair your vehicle, we are the right choice for you—we are pleased to offer car performance tuning, sports car performance parts, and European car maintenance and repair, including Smart Car repair in Campbell, CA.

Contact Us

BTM Motorwerks

1661 S Bascom Ave.
Campbell, CA 95008

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM


BTM Motorwerks Office

Come Stop By Today!

  • BTM Motorwerks is located at 1661 S Bascom Ave., just south of the corner of Bascom Ave. and E Hamilton Ave. and across from the Hamilton Shopping Center. Our eco-friendly sports car performance parts shop is open Monday through Friday.
  • German Car Services — BTM Motorwerks specializes in comprehensive European car services in San Jose. We proudly offer German auto repair and European car maintenance to keep your vehicle running at peak performance, as well as car performance tuning and European auto performance upgrades for Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Mini Cooper, Porsche, and VW.
  • Green Initiative — At BTM Motorwerks, we are committed to playing our part in creating a healthier, more sustainable environment. We have upgraded our auto shop to reduce electricity and water usage, including low-power fluorescent lights and low-flow restroom fixtures. Our auto mechanics recycle used products such as oil, coolant, filters, tires, cardboard, and metal, and we have further reduced our energy consumption by laundering our uniforms in cold water.

Have a Question?

Our team is happy to answer any inquiries you have before you bring your car in for service!